65 Ways To Market Your Business In 10 Minutes Or Less


65 Ways To Market Your Business In 10 Minutes Or Less


As an owner of a small business, your day is sure to be filled with tasks that you know absolutely must get done TODAY. You probably recognize the need to put some effort into marketing your business, but perhaps you don’t have a clear picture of what it involves. Maybe it just sounds like a big job that you don’t have the time for right now, and it becomes one of those tasks that you keep pushing down your list.


If this sounds like you, it’s time to change things. Marketing is something that absolutely must get done today. Do we hear, “I don’t have time?” Well, that just isn’t true. There are multitudes of things that you can do in the time that you are currently “wasting” – the time when you are not currently doing anything to promote your business or even providing a benefit for yourself.


Instead of getting progressively more irritated by the time you are wasting, start using the “wasted” time productively to produce ideas that can dramatically alter the direction of your business.


So let’s look at some of the quick things you can do toward marketing your business.

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